Alessandro Baticci

Hyperflute Sample Library

Signature flute sample library, including unique extended techniques and low instruments. A fresh new sonic palette for your orchestral sound.

Product stage: Market Introduction

Hyperflute is a complete sample library of 12+ GB of flute sounds, including all extended techniques, ranging from Contrabass flute up to the piccolo flute. What started as a quarantine project during the COVID-19 pandemics, recording a bunch of samples every day, ended up to be a complete library with 9 powerful instruments, in a 5 octaves total range and 5000+ unique samples.

I recorded all modern traverse Böhm flutes, that means: C-flute, bass flute, alto flute, piccolo and double-bass flute in G and C, including all the extended techniques known to them. Many of this techniques are unknown to the most and were not yet covered in any sample library so far!
Especially percussive sounds (such as tongue ram, slaps, jet whistle, etc.) are very particular, and give the main character to this unique instrument. My goal is to open up the beauty of concert flutes to the various music genres and styles in digital music-making.

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 The HYPERFLUTE Bundle includes: 

  • HYPERFLUTE Complete

One compact instrument which let’s you choose each articulation and have quick access to effects and a Mixing Matrix to blend the different techniques.

  • SINGLE INSTRUMENTS (as separate Instruments):
  1.  INSTRUMENT 1 – Normal flute sound
  2.  INSTRUMENT 2 – Air sound / Air accents
  3.  INSTRUMENT 3 – Internal Air sounds / Jet Whistle
  4.  INSTRUMENT 4 – Slap Tongue
  5.  INSTRUMENT 5 – Internal Slap Tongue
  6.  INSTRUMENT 6 – Key Clicks
  7.  INSTRUMENT 7 – Tongue Ram
  8.  INSTRUMENT 8 – Multiphonics
  9.  INSTRUMENT 9 – Whistle Tones
  • HYPERFLUTE Percussion


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